so before starting this project, i wanted to define exactly what "infinite" and "print" meant and how does one interpret the two when placed together..and as i defined both and did some research i couldn't help but think how a photograph is one of the most reproduced things. when printing from a negative, one can make as many prints he or she desires, there is no limitation, it does not change or get destroyed. the beauty of a negative is you can create a print at any size or shape it is in our control.
So for my project, I plan on developing a serious of prints from a HOLGA camera. This camera seemed appropriate because of how the negative is developed. Unlike a 35 mm camera, it does not "spit out" frame by frame images but rather an ongoing print that overlaps one another. I felt as though the overlapping gives it this sense of never-ending, each image flows into one another, hence the word infinite.
In addition, thanks to the lovely technology we are given today negatives no longer HAVE to be printed only by an enlarger. We are able to scan them in digitally into our computers, so that i can print right from my desktop printer. so for the first part of this project, i plan on exploring a few different rolls of far as what i am shooting i haven't set any limitations, i just want to explore different places.
I then plan on creating a unique object through the images i capture. As of now i was thinking of possible trying to make a film piece? not exactly sure if this is considered a unique "object" but I wanted to head into that direction...
Angela, I love the reasoning you've used for this project. Your text is extremely clear and does a good job of elucidating your process. What does it mean to layer images? You used the word "exploring" to describe what you are doing with the film. How does that effect our response to the image you create (as opposed to photograph)?